What's the right age?

For Kids 7 Is The Magic Number

Most parents are surprised to learn their child should see an orthodontist for an initial evaluation at age 7.  But that's exactly when the American Association of Orthodontists recommends this first screening.

At age 7, baby teeth are staring to be replaced with permanent teeth and it's a great time to check for potential problems related to: 

  • Crowding
  • Bite Issues
  • Jaw Misalignment
  • Protruding Teeth
  • Crooked Teeth
  • Facial Imbalance

Stork Orthodontics offers FREE consultations for kids ages 7 and up and no dentist referral is needed.  

Typically less than 10% of kids age 7 need treatment.  If treatment is not recommended, your child becomes an exclusive member of the Super Smile League. 

As a member your child will recieve: 

  • Free growth guidance appointments every 6-12 months
  • Access to exclusive patient contests
  • Fun gifts

Additional benefits to you and your child: 

  • It's Free
  • Treatment can be recommended at the right time
  • Permanent tooth extractions could be avoided
  • Jaw surgery could be avoided
  • Treatment time can be decreased
  • Treatment intensity can be decreased
  • Parental piece of mind

For Teens and Young Adults

If you missed seeing an orthodontist at age 7, don't sweat.  The next best time is right now!  As a young person your jaw is still growing which can make bigger orthodontic tooth movements easier.  Now is also the most common time kids are getting braces, so you will fit right in.  

For Adults

Typically we've found adults seek treatment for one of two major reasons: 

     1. They had treatment as a child and their teeth have shifted.

     2. They never had treatment as a child and have always wanted it.

Regardless of why you are seeking treatment or what you would like to have fixed, our team of trained experts can help.  

Age really doesn't matter.  If you have healthy teeth and gums and desire a smile you'll love, we can help make your dream a reality!